Youth Ministries
Sunday School
Sunday school is available for children 4 years old through 8th grade. It is held Sunday mornings at 9:00 am September through May. Growing in a relationship with Jesus as we read Bible story’s and work on crafts together. The last Sunday of each month is bring-a-friend Sunday with treats and singing in Church.
7th & 8th grade students participate in confirmation classes held on Wednesday evenings.
SLC Youth Ministry
Our youth committee works together to serve others. We use our gifts and talents to prepare and serve the Annual meeting, lent and Easter breakfast meals. SLC Youth are also invited to attend the LCMC Youth Event or Mission Trip each year.

Vacation Bible School
VBS is a wonderful experience for our youth 4-K through 6th grade. Each year a different theme is chosen. We meet one week during the summer and each evening learn about God’s people in the bible. We enjoy singing, crafts and games. Please share your time and talents and join us in planning and participating in the week!

Armorer & Sparky