Church Ministries
Serving Groups SLCW – Scandinavia Lutheran Church Women
As a member of this congregation, you are a valued member of SLCW. You are part of our family! As women called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to growing in faith, ministering to each other through prayer and kindness, supporting the church and promoting healing in the world through prayer, gifts and talents. We meet the second Thursday of each month at noon. We share in fellowship with a meal, devotion, bible study, prayer and a business meeting. Come join us!
Serving Groups M&M – Men and Ministry
Meet 4th Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm

The quilters meet monthly. Watch the calendar for dates and times. Quilt tops are sewn at church or at home. Quilts are assembled at church. Everyone is welcome to help.
Pillowcase Dresses & Shorts
Join us is turning pillow case into beautiful sun dresses for girls and using fabric to make shorts for boys. Don Shire has brought many of the dresses to Africa. Others have been sent with missions teams. We are happy to have more hands helping.

Radio & Technology
We are blessed to use technology to share God’s message. Each week volunteers record the service so it can be played the next Sunday on WDUX radio AM 800 at 8:30 am. Copies of the service are also shared with others unable to attend worship. We have also created radio theater stories for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Join us and lend your talents in technology, writing and speaking.
Scandinavia Lutheran Church Food Pantry
Our food pantry ministry currently provides supplemental and emergency food, free of charge, to families and individuals in need. People may receive assistance once every 30 days. The SLC food pantry also assembles grocery gift packages to families and individuals in need at Christmas and Easter. Contact our church office at 715-467-2367
Each worship service ushers help distribute bulletins, assist with Holy Communion, offering, seating and dismissal. A signup sheet is available at church.
Each Sunday worship service greeters warmly welcome people at the doors of the church and assist with any questions visitors may have. A signup sheet is available at church.
Use your gifts and assist in the worship service by reading the scripture lessons. A sign up sheet is available at church.
Using our voices to praise God is an important part of worship. The choir practices each Friday morning at 9:00 am and sing during Sunday Worship September through May.
Coffee Hour
This is a time of fellowship after Sunday worship service.
Dart Ball Team
Enjoy playing baseball? Come check out the game of dart ball. Darts are thrown underhand and scoring is similar to baseball. Thursday evenings.

Sharing Prayer Garden
Enjoy plants and being outside? Come join us as we care for the outdoor church plants. We are planning and creating an outdoor place to pray and enjoy God’s beautiful creation. We meet once a week from April through September.